
Call for Tutorials

Tutorials provide an informative and dedicated training sessions for esteemed professionals. During these sessions well-known experts from academia and industry will introduce fundamentals and state-of-the-art on emerging areas in industrial electronics. Several industry partners will also provide hands-on tutorial sessions demonstrating their products and how they can be leveraged by attendees in professional as well as in research.

IECON 2025 is organized into “IECON Green Tech”, “IECON ICT & AI in Industry”, and “IECON Integration, Control & Robotics”, and tutorials will follow the same structure to reach the appropriate audiences.

Prospective organizers must submit to the respective chairs the following information using the corresponding template.

  • Title and subject of the tutorial.

  • Name(s), email(s), and affiliation(s) of the proposers.

  • Brief description (no more of 600 words) of the contents, highlighting its relevance for IECON audience.

  • Expected duration of the tutorial: half day (up to three hours) or full day (up to six hours). Tutorials will be organized as a full-day dedicated event.

  • Short bio(s) and picture(s) of the proposer(s), including the contributions (e.g., publications or previous tutorial experience) related to the topic of the tutorial.

  • State if the tutorial will include a hands-on session and, if yes, if attendees will require a laptop, so they are aware they have to bring theirs with them. The local organizing committee will provide the rooms and the multimedia settings required for the lectures.

Once approved, lecturers must publicize their tutorial among researchers and practitioners in the field to attract enough attendees. The organizing committee will also publicize the tutorials through the conference website and social media. Each accepted tutorial will be granted an honorarium to be distributed among the organizers.


Proposals Submission opens:
1 February 2025

Proposals Submission due:
31 May 2025

Acceptance Notification:
30 June 2025


Please, send your proposal via this form.

Tutorial proposals will be accepted from 1 February 2025 until 31 May 2025. We encourage early proposal submission.

Tutorial Chairs:

Haitham Abu-Rub, Qatar
Roberto Oboe, Italy
Thilo Sauter, Austria